Final Revival Session

It's been fun!  It's always good to exercise creative muscles don't you think?

Ps. 120+  ;)

This song is available for download. 

Capo 5


To you I lift up my eyes
Enthroned in heaven in the skies
Until Your grace falls

Our souls are filled
With the scoffing of the proud
So we will wait until Your grace falls

Blessed is the Lord Who has not given us up
He is on our side.  He has brought us back to life.

So with love on our tongues
And shouts from our mouths
We will see
God has done great things.
So with love on our tongues
And shouts from our mouths
They will see
God has done great things.

Those who trust in the Lord
Are as Mt. Zion
They shall not be

The Lord is on our side
Or we would have been swallowed up alive
But we will not be
