New Van

We just got a van! I just informed John, actually, that it is, in fact, my van and I LET him drive it. We've had two cars this week because we haven't turned in the Saab.  So nice to not have to worry about sharing.  I have been selfish and loving it, finding any lame excuse to go on an errand.  Keane has been spoiled rotten. When we're buying squeaking dolphins to attach to his bike because we can, we are desperate for amusement.

Usually I take the car two days of the week, which is fine, there are chores to be done, you know, around this house, from what I hear.  It's apparent to me this place has been neglected, but next week I'm returning from fur low. What am I going to do???  I suppose I can no longer blast Third Day into the neighbor's ears as I'm unpacking various dolphins, cleaning out capri sun containers, and dusting off brezle crumbs..  I can do these things because I have the annoying American license.  Have you heard of it?  Just walk around with white tennis shoes, a hoodie, a camera, and say "alfeederzean" and it's yours for a life time. You are guaranteed love, i.e. icy stares.

Had a great time reading Acts today in our small group.  God is always doing something in the life of a believer. This is a group not affiliated with our church (not enemies or anything), just a group John knows from work.  They are mostly Indian.  Tonight I died laughing as I listened to our friend talk about eating off of banana TRYING to eat soup off of banana leaves.  Makes me look forward to going to India in November even more.


Anonymous said…
Can you say "Road Trip" to the Santimaw Chateau?!?!?!? That would definitely be long errand...LOL!!! Can't wait until Aug. See you then!!!