Going Camping This Weekend...

....to a place I've never been (only driven through), so I'm excited. I need a little help with one pot camping recipes. Let me describe the scene. Camping in Germany is not like camping in the U.S. I have fond memories of a place we called "Hole in the Ground", it was a summer haunt for our family for years and years. No baths, just a creek, no conveniences, just trees, no toilet, a hole in the ground.....

Anyway Germans don't go to camp grounds, they frequent resorts. They pile all the kids (all two of them) into an RV and head for the "outskirts", T.Vs in tow. These "campgrounds" are equivalent to KOAs- showers, pools, restaurants, snack shops, etc. One place we stayed had a bar and karaoke on Wednesday nights. What we can't do at these campgrounds is start a fire, yep, that's right, no s'mores. Just ask me how I survive here. lol

John and I are on a budget. I need to make all the meals, but the tricky thing is, I only have my back packing stove with one burner. HELP! So far I have stew, pancakes, egg salad sandwiches....???

oh and any ideas for tenting with a baby, without a pack 'n play?... We have a nice size tent with the "entry hall" and three rooms, master and two kiddie. ~please don't say "have him sleep with you."


Katie Barker said…
If you're bringing a cooler, we always used to have a cold tuna salad with carrots, cheese, celery, noodles, etc. We just make it up ahead of time.
Another idea is a "type" of spaghetti. Just use the pot to cook the noodles. When they are finished, and you've drained the water, stir in the pasta sauce and just kinda warm it all up.
Oh - sloppy joes and tacos can also be made with just one pot :) I hope you have a great time - I love camping!
that's the one thing we do have, a cooler that we can plug in, and most places have electricity (for the TVs, etc.)
Karis said…
Hadn't left a comment for awhile so decided I would today even though I have no camping advice -- that wasn't my dad's thing for sure so we never did it growing up. Have fun -- it will definitely be an adventure.
Suey said…
Well, good luck with the recipes, 'cause without a fire, I don't have any ideas for you. But concerning Keane--- he's not exactly a baby anymore. He was a January baby, right, which makes him 18 months? He's actually ready for a big boy bed. YUP. I said it! So, he'll be just fine with his own sleeping spot. You just have to be firm that he must be there with his sleeping toy and no where else. It really will help if you use a sleeping toy, and have him be in charge of putting it to sleep. It will help keep him in his spot (eventually anyway). Of course, he will like his new found "freedom" of no walls, but really I think he'll do just fine. He's a smart kid! Just do your regular routine (as much as possible) and have fun!