Biker Dude

John and his "once a month" biking buddies.

Grandma made a comment about John's "dew rag" while she was here. John rides his bike to work on sunny days, which is nice, because it leaves me the car. She said that back in her day, only "bad guys" wore them. If John did not wear one, there would be fountains flowing all over his head. The poor man wouldn't be able to see. That boy can sweat! lol

Anyway, I went swimming today with Keane. John and I went last week (I forgot my swimsuit, duh). Keane screamed the whole time. John and I decided we were going to kick it into high gear and help Keane "get over it" when it comes to water. We started in the bath tub. He hates water poured over his head. Before our decision I would cup my hand on his forehead and try to block the water. NOT ANYMORE. I just dump it. It may sound mean, but it's getting the job done. I calmly tell him "stop" (referring to the crying) and if he lets out a full on wail, he gets another one. My Pastor's wife said she knew this Christian lady who was a swim instructor. When her pupils would wail, she would dunk 'em. They stopped screaming.

Today was much better in the pool. We took some small strides with trust. He has had some swimming lessons with mama, but it was almost a waste of time because he wouldn't stop crying. Today someone had a ball! Introduce a ball into any situation and my son is transformed. He even slipped under water and collected himself, emotionally, in a decent amount of time. I'm on a mission to find a small little inner tube for him. Another lady brought one for her daughter and let Keane use it. He didn't quite understand that if he let go, he would be underwater, but I was able to hold him at arms length and let him "kick! kick! kick!" Whew! now we are getting somewhere.


oh funny, oh keane will be loving water in no time and you won't be able to get him out of the tub when its time.