We'll try to celebrate by going out for a low cost dinner and swimming. We love you Keane and we are so glad God decided to bless us with you. You add so much to our lives already and we can hardly comprehend how life was before you! You are walking with your (flatter than ever) feet, almost running like a bull in a China shop (just like your dad), you sit on our front porch and "yell" at all the neighbors, we think you'll be a great preacher. You love playing "ball" with your dad, and have lately started kicking the soccer ball. You also waive at everyone in the grocery store and your mom gets upset when people don't waive back ;). We are posting the words that you know on your dresser and practicing them. Mama hopes you'll connect the spelling and the word at some point in the future. We pray for our friends (other Christian family kids) almost everyday. We look at the pictures of them in our little photo album and pray at the same time. You have so much to say when you get up in the morning, though we can't understand a word of it. It is our prayer that you will trust the Lord with your life, not based on our faith, but what the Lord reveals to you. We understand that God loves you more than we ever could, and it is such a great comfort to us to know that you are safe in His hands.