John is watching Keane right now, as I write this. I'm grateful he has given me a few minutes. We are heading into our last week and I have mixed emotions.
God has really shown us what direction He wants us to take concerning the church plant in Germany. He has done a lot for my heart and getting me "resolved, no longer to linger" about issue. For a long time, church planting seemed like a side point in my life. I didn't really feel called, just conveniently in the right place and willing as long as I had no other choice. Given the opportunity to move back to CA or the States, in general, I would have, church plant or not. Very uncommitted to the project.
Last week, God confirmed to me, the place He was leading ME. Notice the emphasis. It's not just because my husband works there and we need a solid church to go to, that I've been called, it's because He has prepared both of us for this task. Sort of overwhelming, but in Christ, we are sufficient.
John's boss wrote him last week and said that he needed to talk to him on the phone. With the economy affecting everyone- over the pond and everywhere else, we imagined the worst. So, for two days we pondered the possibilities. Our hopes of buying a house sort of faded and worldly security was spreading it's wings to take flight and we wondered what our future would hold. Where would we go if John lost his job? What would we do? School?
Long story, longer, we found out that John's job is secure, for now. The hopes that I had of leaving Germany were gently moved aside and God showed me where He was leading me for now. I'll be honest, I don't like living in a foreign country, but my peace doesn't come from maintaining my lifestyle the way that I want it or living where I want to, it comes from satisfaction in the Lord and glorifying Him with my life.
Here are a few pictures of this last week in Redding, CA and our send off at church.