Holy Cats! We might get a Cat!

Isn't she beautiful? (Amanda E is gagging right now) Her mommy can't spend time with her because she is working 12-14 hour days and she travels! Her name is Sugar, which is great because I call my baby "Sugar", my husband "Sugar", so I might as well call the cat "Sugar". I guess she is just what her name says she is, a sweetie.

I had to by this little pool, on sale. If you think you see floaties, that's because that's what they are.

I was too lazy. I tried to get some out (with my hand!), but I still have to keep one hand on Keane.

We didn't keep the high chair 'cause it was too expensive, but I like this picture.

Look how well he is doing at sitting up!


Kara said…
Oh he looks so good in red! He is beautiful, floaties and all.
keane is sitting up SO good. wow. amos is just sitting up now (in the past 2 weeks without falling.) - adorable pictures.