As you can tell not much is going on, so I thought I'd take a picture of my baby's boom boom. Boom Booms are so cute!
Keane got his passport! What a relief! I'm set to go to CA in May. I'll be there for Mother's Day, Lord willing, just for Great Grandma.
Keane giggled for John, the first time, on his 3 month birthday and then he giggled last night for a friend, but he hasn't giggled for me. :(
He is very alert, aware, and developing a personality, but he also had diarrhea last night.
John and I have been getting really involved with our church. The last two Sundays I've played guitar in the worship team. It was interesting playing the only instrument. There's a lot of change over in military churches in the summer with people leaving. Pray for Grace Baptist International Church as we go through these changes and the organizing that needs to take place. There are a lot of ministry needs.
So there's the hodge podge of it all.
That's wonderful that you are getting involved in your church. Does it make you feel like you belong?
That's wonderful that the passport rolled in. I bet you can't wait to visit the US of A again.
i hope you have an awesome trip sara. i'll miss you. maybe we can phone eachother!
love you
ps - Prayer is a wonderful thing in circumstances that we know are to big for us, eh? i loved praying to God on my trip for little things, (like friendly people to sit next to) and then seeing him answer.