Christmas in a Nut (cracker) Shell

I want to first start this post by mentioning that I hope that you (yes, you) had a great Christmas, for the sake of Christ, I'll add, and not the new CD, or cookbook, or whatever you found underneath the tree with your name on it. I hope that your joy overflowed, so much so, that others still see it and reap the benefits of it. Personally I struggle with the "last bit", but it's still a goal to be attained, nonetheless.

Here are a bunch of people John and I hung out with on Saturday, making a "toast." Tell me that's not how you spell that. :( We had a great time....all sixty something of us. I wasn't around for the "clean up." Yikes! Thanks Alan and Candy. You were a blessing to oh so many people that day.

Here is me, looking so serious (oh brother). John and I decided to take a picture of "Nut Hole" for ya, dressed in lights. Christmas Eve was rather boring. I was sick with the stomach flu, or something like that, whatever it was, it wasn't good. The toilet and I were too close of friends that day. John went to church, I stayed in bed.

Christmas morning I was feeling better. It was a good thing that we rented a bunch of movies, 'cause we were just a couple of loafs, i.e. couch potatoes, lazy bums (you get the idea). WE DID NOTHING, but eat, drink, and be lazy. John said, "we better enjoy it now!....(and then said something about kids)." Nope, that's not an announcement. As far as Christmas presents went, I made out like a bandit. John didn't fair so well, but he did enjoy what he received. There he is holding up one of the posters I gave him for the office (I'm going with the "Achievment/Motivational" theme).

Well, we had a great Christmas, even though it was just us two. We survived just fine. Of course we would rather have been with family, but that will happen soon enough when we go to India the 1st of January, then we'll have family coming out of our ears.

I cleaned up everything today (I'm as bad as my mom!). That's right, all the decorations came down. My Christmas "tree in a pot"named Felisia (as in Felis Navidad) was losing all of her needles. I thought, surely, she would be naked soon, and nobody needed to see that, so outside she went. Our palm tree "Mack," was getting tired of the tinsel, I think, as that's not what he is meant for. All told, I am a couple of steps closer to getting ready to fly to India for three weeks! Yes, I'm a little nervous, I haven't met John's parents yet. It should be fine, they sound great...on the phone, besides, it's too late ;)

After clean up, we went for an hour and a half hike to work off the food and then we ate it all back on again at Gaby and Velo's house. Ho Ho Well.


Brianne said…
Sarah G!!! wow, its been so long!!! the book i got... well men think in boxes, when think like spaghetti... everything in life is connected. but thats as far as i got. they thought they were real funny when they gave it to me!! so India huh?? think you could stop into zambia on your way back!?!? now that would be fun!! its so good to hear from you!!! bri
that is awesome that you are going to india.

Anonymous said…
Hey Sara! Merry Christmas! I'm sorry you were sick on Christmas Eve. I hope you and John have a great trip to India. Take lot's of pictures.
Deb Paul