Just putting up a few more festive pictures. Not much going on. Next week I have to make about a billion cookies for a Cookie Exchange, so that's what's on the ta-Do list for next week.
Messiah was last night. I enjoy it, and I learn more of my part every year ;) This time I wasn't 8 months pregnant and feeling like I was going to faint. I just love this little suit of Keane's that he is going to grow out of in the next 10 minutes.
Friday night we went to the Christmas market. John was going to take me ice skating (I couldn't go last year because of the bowling ball in my stomach), but parking was so horrendous that we had to park in New Zealand. By the time we got to the Market, we were unmotivated and Keane was a little icicle.
He sure loved his pack though. He just loved being up high, he laughed and "talked" and carried on like I have never seen him.